Fees for Services - 2023

  • $50

    Anniversaries, parties, rummage sales, business meetings, etc.

    Deposit of $50 is to be paid by separate check. The deposit will be returned if the facility is left in adequate condition.

  • $250

    Anniversaries, parties, rummage sales, business meetings, etc.

    Deposit of $25 is to be paid by separate check. The deposit will be returned if the facility is left in adequate condition.

  • $25

    Anniversaries, parties, rummage sales, business meetings.

    Deposit of $25 is to be paid by separate check. The deposit will be returned if the facility is left in adequate condition.

  • $750 + supplies used for first hour + $150 for each additional hour

  • $500 per vehicle

  • $75 + water

    For cleaning sewer lines, etc.

    Must be driven by a fireman or city employee.

  • No Charge

  • $600 for Full Lot
    $325 for Half Lot
    $175 for Single Lot

  • $200 Nov. 1 - Mar. 31
    $100 Apr. 1 - Oct. 31

  • $150 per hour

    Minimum of one hour.

    For private property, if not paid the fee will be assessed to the property.

  • $30 per hour, plus supplies

  • Bus garage space and use of school facilities at no charge.

  • Minimum charge of $22.50 for 200 cubic feet + .045 for each additional cubic foot.

  • Minimum charge of $19.75 for 200 cubic feet + .050 for each additional cubic foot.

  • $1200 annually

  • $100 annually

  • $200 annually